Tânia A. Cardoso (Lisbon, 1985) is an aspiring illustrator, urbanist and researcher based in Rotterdam. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam and a Master of Urbanism by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro interested in researching the relationship between illustration and the city.
Her Master thesis "Urban Chronicles: Representation and critique of the city through Graphic Novels" was nominated for the ANPUR 2015 award in Brazil and was a finalist for the Future Ideas 2015 Competition in The Netherlands.
Drawing in the streets of the city is her favourite hobby and her illustration work has integrated several international collective exhibitions in Portugal, Brazil, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom; won the “Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Competition” 2015 in the Netherlands and the “Gorsedh Kernow Creativity Award” 2017 in Cornwall, UK and is currently nominated for the “Women Cartoonists International Award” 2019 in Normandy, France.
Feel free to contact me for any cooperation, commissions, general inquires or just to say Hi through social media, email or the message box.
Say HI! =)
CUS Project Seed Grant: Printed publication of Walking as a Research Practice Conference 2022 Proceedings. In collaboration with Alice Twemlow, Francesca Ranalli, Anna Nikolaeva, and Federico Savini, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2023
CUS Project Seed Grant: Walking as Research Practice (WARP) Conference. In collaboration with Alice Twemlow and Francesca Ranalli, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2022
CUS Project Seed Grant: Feminist Urban Lab: Research meets Artistic Practice. In collaboration with Fenna Smits, Anastasiya Halauniova and Asli Ozgen-Tuncer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2020
Doctoral Scholarship by the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research
and Technology (FCT:SFRH/BD/146683/2019) - FCT - 2019 to present. -
Nominated finalist for the Women Cartoonists International Award 2019, Normandy, France, 2019.
Winner of the 2017 Gorsedh Kernow Awards Creativity Award with the comic Men an Tol, made in collaboration with the writer Joana Varanda, Cornwall, UK, 2017.
Winner in the Quadradinho Fantásticos 2016 Awards (Comic with Best Art - Gandarinha, Comic with Best Coloring, and Best Subtitling and Ballooning - Gourmet Delicacies) promoted by H-alt magazine, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017.
Winner in the Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Competition promoted by Lemniscaat Uitgeverij, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2015.
Finalist in the Future of Design at Future Ideas Worldwide Academic Competition, The Netherlands, 2015.
Nominated for an award at the Academic Competition for the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Urban and Regional Planning-ANPUR, Brazil, 2015.
1st place in the street art competition Sesimbra é peixe e Arte na Rua/ Sesimbra is fish and street art. Sesimbra, Portugal, 2014.
Merit Scholarship by the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the state of Rio de Janeiro - FAPERJ - 2013/2014.
Research Scholarship by the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry - CNPQ - 2012/2013.
1st place in the contest for the Poster Competition Festival Altitudes for the Regional Theatre of the Serra de Montemuro, Viseu, Portugal, 2010.
Collective exhibition Publieke Werken Rotterdam 2020, open-air exhibition in the streets of Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 9 July - 9 August 2020.
Collective exhibition Women Cartoonists Award 2019 at the Centre for the arts of political cartoon, Museum of Work, Norrköping, Sweden, 16 June - 15 November 2020.
Collective exhibition Women Cartoonists Award 2019 at the Museum House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 6 March - 17 May 2020.
Collective exhibition Boerenzij - Wapke Feenstra at TENT Rotterdam with city illustrations, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 10 October 2019 - 12 January 2020.
Collective exhibition A Dream within a Dream Penumbra Art Boutique and Studio with the piece The Kadath of my dreams, Charneca de Caparica,Portugal, 16 March - 6 April 2019.
Collective exhibition Barreiro IlustraBD at the Municipal Auditorium Augusto Cabrita, Barreiro, Portugal, 1 September - 14 October 2018.
Exhibition Blossoming through the concrete for the event Charlois Speciaal Art Festival (nature in the city illustrations), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1-10 June 2018.
Collective exhibition at Attent project space for the event South Explorer (city illustrations and sketchbooks), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 14 – 15 April 2018.
Collective exhibition Obra Prima at Penumbra Art Boutique and Studio with the piece The birth of Spring, Vialonga, Portugal, 7 April – 7 May 2018.
Pre-selected for ILUSTRARTE Biennial of Children’s Books Illustration, Portugal, Castelo Branco, 2018.
Collective exhibition A Castle in England with the pieces Progeny - Alternative cover for The Widow and Karrek Loos yn Koos: St Michael's Mount, London, UK, June/July 2017.
Collective Exhibition and catalogue Anxious Portraiture with the piece Slimy Thoughts at The Old Hairdressers, Glasgow, Scotland, 11 October 2016.
Collective Exhibition at Pedr’Art Land Fest, Pedralva, Portugal, 16-18 September 2016.
Collective Exhibition for Vergílio Ferreira Illustration Competition (top ten) at the João Abel Manta Galleries for G!O Romaria Cultural, Gouveia, Portugal, July/September 2016.
Collective Exhibition Speculative Fiction in Comics at the Red Gallery of the Municipal Auditorium Augusto Cabrita, Barreiro, Portugal, June/September 2016.
Collective Travelling Exhibition and catalogue publication for the Worldwide Picture Book Illustration Competition. At Groeneveld Kasteel Museum in Baarn and Bibliotheek Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Bilderbuchmuseum in Troisdorf, Germany; The Hive in Worcester, Great Britain; Shanghai Public Library, China; 2015/ 2016.
Collective Exhibition at the 1st Festival of Literature and Illustration of Bahía, Brazil, 2013.
Collective exhibition and presentation of work for the exhibition Mostra ÚniQa. Organized by Who, Creative Talents Agency, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.
Tutoring/research groups
​TUTOR FELLOW, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Observation Drawing II (Professor Andréa Borde), February/ July 2013.
Visual Communication (Professor Rafael Fonseca), August/ December 2013.
TUTOR DUTIES, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of the Humanities
ASCA Walking as Research Practice. In collaboration with Alice Twemlow, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [2021 - 2022].
ASCA Cities Project. In collaboration with Carolyn Birdsall and Jelke Bosma. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [2022].
MODERATOR, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of the Humanities
Control and Resistance in Public Spaces with Ameneh Solati and María Mazzanti in ASCA Cities Project. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [11 March 2022].
Cape Town Day Zero/Ground Zero: A Decolonial River Walk with Christian Ernsten in ASCA Walking as Research Practice. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [25 April 2022].
A visit into the Pluriverse with Sophie Krier in ASCA Walking as Research Practice. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [30 June 2022].
CO-CONVENER/CO-ORGANISER, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of the Humanities
Feminist Urban Lab: Research meets Artistic Practice. In collaboration with Fenna Smits, Anastasiya Halauniova and Asli Ozgen-Tuncer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [1 - 29 September 2020].
ASCA Walking as Research Practice. In collaboration with Alice Twemlow, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [academic year 2021 - 2022].
ASCA Cities Project. In collaboration with Carolyn Birdsall and Jelke Bosma. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [2022].
NICA Masterclass ‘Platform Urbanism’ with Dr Agnieszka Leszczynski (Western Univer￾sity). In: University of Amsterdam, co-organizer with Carolyn Birdsall and Jelke Bosma. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [9 June 2022].
WARP Research Group: A visit into the Pluriverse with Sophie Krier. In: University of Amsterdam/Het Nieuwe Instituut, co-organiser and moderator with Alice Twemlow. Amsterdam/Rotterdam, The Netherlands, [30 June 2022].
VOX-POP closing event ‘Walking into the Summer’ with guest lectures/creative practices. In: University of Amsterdam, co-organizer and moderator with Lucie Fortuin and Imme de Bie. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [6 July 2022].
Walking-with Amsterdam WARP (Walking as Research Practice) Conference 2022. In: Centre of Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam, co-organizer and moderator with Francesca Ranalli, Fenna Smits & Prof. Dr Alice Twemlow. Amsterdam, The Nether￾lands, [29 – 30 September 2022].
NICA Masterclass with WARP and independent artist and researcher Elena Biserna. In: University of Amsterdam, co-organiser and moderator with Alice Twemlow. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [3 April 2023].
Walking as Research Practice (WARP): Special Issue WARP x Soapbox Journal book presentation. In: bring your own book exhibition at Enter Enter, co-organiser with Soapbox’s acting editor, introducing the event, speakers, and discussant during Q&A. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [28 September 2023].
Libraries! — Learn how to make your own book. In: Fundação Oriente, with the collaboration of Manuela A. Peixoto and Biblioteca Infantil Roterdão, Lisbon, Portugal, [14 September 2019].
Mapping real and imagined cities. In: Tekenclub, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, [23 March 2019].
Drawing Lines In A Mobile City. In: Mobility Studies (MOST) Master Programme Kick Off Seminar 2021/2022 with Prof. Dr Giada Peterle, Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Padova, Padova, Italy, [25 February 2022].
Drawing While Walking Exercises For Urban Storytelling. In: Comunicazione Creativa e Landscape Storytelling 2021/2022 class by Prof. Dr Giada Peterle, University of Pado￾va, Padova, Italy, [25 February 2022].
Graphic Wanderings: Finding Stories In Urban Space. In: Comicdom Con Athens 2022 by Athens Comics Library and the Netherlands Institute in Athens, Athens, Greece, [16 April 2022].
Geïllustreerde Natuurkaarten. In: Eilandatelier in Buitenplaats Brienenoord, Rotterdam, The Netherlands [7 May 2023].
Illustration on the Move. In: Artist books 'symptoms' Book Studies class, University of Amsterdam, [27 September 2023].
Drawing a Trail to Action. In: Baanbrekers [‘Trailblazers’] exhibition by Illustratie Ambassade, [24 October and 21 November 2023].
Tactile Drawing. Big Draw de Baarsjes: Drawing with the Senses by Gastatelier de Vindplaats, with Kamila Wolszczak. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, [25 October 2023].
Curious Transcriptions: Turning Online Meetings Into Illustrated Spatial Atmospheres. Journal of Illustration, Intellect Books, [forthcoming article 2024].
Illustration on the Move: Embodied Practices of Walking and Drawing in the City. In: still-untitled book, edited by Christian Ernsten and Nick Shepherd, Routledge, [forthcoming book chapter 2024]
The Ins and Outs of Possible Cities in Comics: Procurando São Paulo. Studies in Comics, Intellect Books, vol. 12, no. 2, 2023, p. 201 – 223,
Illustrated Cities: Amsterdam Remembered and Imagined Amidst Pandemic. COVID-19 SPECIAL ISSUE Capturing Visual Insights, Thoughts and Reflections on 2020/21 and Beyond..., vol. Message Journal, no. 5, Feb. 2022, pp. 204–09,
Draw(Ing) on Absence: A Reflection on (Post)Pandemic Ground-Based Illustration Practice. CONFIA 2021, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, 2021, pp. 37–46 [article and presentation]. Available at:
Unforeseeable Situations: A Confined Reflexion. In: Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, FAU MacKenzie, São Paulo, v. 21, n.1, 2021, pp. 78-93,
To know as you draw: Exploring the city through drawing. In: Drawing Journal: Research, Theory, Practice, 6:1, 2021, pp. 99–115, doi:
Between an illustrator and an urban place: The dynamic between word and image in illustrated cities. In: CONFIA 2020 - 8th International Conference on Illustration and Animation Proceedings, Barcelos, Portugal: Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, 2020, pp. 59 – 69 [article and presentation]. Available at:
Blurred Lines: Challenging Urban Grids On and Off the Page in City Illustration. In: Soapbox Journal for Cultural Analysis Issue 1.2: Off the Grid, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2019, pp. 157 – 185 [article and presentation]. Available at:
Complicating boundaries between Space, Walking and Reading: A Special (WARP) x Soapbox Publication. Center for Urban Studies, [forthcoming blog post 2023/2024]
A Tale of Mushrooms and a City: A Story Collecting Stories. Posthuman Futures in Art and Literature: Constellations & Cartographies, Soapbox Journal for Cultural Analysis, [forthcoming visual essay 2024]
How we Stopped and Listened to the Birds - chapter 3. Drawing the Times platform for graphic journalism, [forthcoming online publication 2023]
Introduction: The ‘Walking as Research Practice’ (WARP) Group and the path to, and beyond, a Conference. Written with Alice Twemlow. Special Issue WARP x Soapbox Journal Walking as Research Practice, edited by Tânia A. Cardoso, Alice Twemlow, Francesca Ranalli, and Lynn Gommes, Amsterdam: Soapbox Journal for Cultural Analysis, pp: 11 – 31, 2023,
Special Issue WARP x Soapbox Journal Walking as Research Practice. Edited by Tânia A. Cardoso, Alice Twemlow, Francesca Ranalli, and Lynn Gommes, Amsterdam: Soapbox Journal for Cultural Analysis, 2023,
Paving the way to creative urban practices: Walking as Research Practice (WARP) Conference. Centre for Urban Studies, 21 Mar. 2023, [blog post]
How we Stopped and Listened to the Birds - chapter 2. Drawing the Times platform for graphic journalism, 2022, [online publication]
Wondering Wanderings. SOLRAD the Online Literary Magazine for Comics, 2021, [ongoing online publications]
A Short Tale of Ash and Fire. Window Comics, Climate Change before our Eyes, Drawing the Times platform for graphic journalism, 2022, [online publication]
Graphic Wanderings: Finding Stories In Urban Space Reporting. Athens Comics Library, 27 Apr. 2022, [blog post]
How we Stopped and Listened to the Birds - chapter 1. Drawing the Times platform for graphic journalism, 2021, [online publication].